
VaPostori declares Zim won’t have regime change


PRO-PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa religious grouping VaPostori for Economic Development (VED) has declared that there won’t be regime change in Zimbabwe like what happened in Zambia.

Responding to journalists at press conference recently VED spokesperson Obey Mapuranga said his remarks were a spiritual declaration.

Most of you call what happened in Zambia a regime change. There isn’t going to be a regime change in Zimbabwe. I am speaking about this on a spiritual point of view. It’s a spiritual declaration which most of you will not understand. The same way we have been doing in the 1930s,” he said.

Zimbabwe is going to be for the black people without any foreign interference. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans. Our people should not be swayed to think that something is happening on our leaders, it’s well and everything is intact.”
Mapuranga added that the country’s future had been dictated spirituality ever since the liberation struggle.

Zimbabwe is a different country with its own spiritual doctrine and spiritual history. We have sons and daughters who died in the bushes. We have blood in the bushes. Right now we have prophets who are praying for this country on daily basis. It’s a spiritual country that’s why everything was prophesied by our forefathers during the liberation struggle. It was prophesied that the country shall be free from white colonial rulers,” he said.

Political analyst Methuseli Moyo Political Analyst VED was just trying to seek relevance.
“I think everyone wants to be relevant to Zanu PF and Mnangagwa’s apparent crusade to win in 2023. We should expect of these ‘for ED’ movements as we towards elections. It is becoming like a wave,” he said.

Another analyst Kudakwashe Munemo said: “That’s against the constitution and it moves towards anarchy instead of promoting the constitutional democracy that Zimbabwe is. Those statements are indicative of a violent road to elections.”

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