Crime & Courts

Police officers warned against taking bribes

Police officers have been warned against taking bribes from motorists at roadblocks as this results in road traffic accidents as unroadworthy vehicles are allowed on the roads.

Assistant commissioner Levi Sibanda warned that those found wanting will face the full wrath of the law. He said:

He was speaking at the World Day or Road Traffic Victims commemorations held in Bulawayo this week.

23 people were reportedly arrested in July this year within a period of four hours for bribery at a roadblock along the Harare-Bulawayo highway.

According to official data, more than 1 500 people lost their lives through road accidents between January and September this year while 7 851 were injured countrywide.

Transport and Infrastructure Development Minister, Felix Mhona, called for cooperation among stakeholders to curb road traffic accidents. He said:

| Business Times

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