
15 Year Old Ushewekunze form 3 Wizkid Colourfully Passes her O’ Levels

By Chigwede Waruma

In feat of brilliance, a 15 year old Form 3 student from EAST V college in Ushewekunze , scored 6 subjects out of 7 at Ordinary Level during the November 2022 ZIMSEC examination, and was immediately skipped to Advanced level and, is majoring in commercial subjects.

It’s yet another celebration scored by a girl child proving beyond reasonable doubt that gender does not define capacities.

Musvehe Emilder obtained 6 subjects from the 7 subjects she wrote in November while she is still in form three and automatically skipped form four to Advanced Level.

EAST V COLLEGE Principal Mr Sidovo , said the achievement is a first for the school.

Her science teacher Mr Muchemedzi said, he was overjoyed by the performance of Emilder.

“We are so happy with Emilder, I would like to incourage other girls to focus and not to be afraid…”

said Mr Muchemedzi

Emilder’s mother said her daughter has always displayed sheer determination to achieve set goals eversince she was young.

Another girl at East V college, Shoko Dorcas also sat for o level examinations whilst she was at form 3. Shoko Dorcas wrote 5 subjects and passed four subjects

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