
ZANU PF youths disrupt residents meeting


SUSPECTED Zanu PF youths allegedly disrupted a residents meeting on Saturday which was organized by Chitungwiza-based author Danmore John Chimusoro at his residence in Unit G under ward 25.

Chimosoro told ChaminukaNews24.com that he had sought police clearance to hold a meeting at KPK Shops but as he went to get a confirmation letter from the police he received a report that youths clad in Zanu PF regalia had besieged the place subsequently forcing the cancellation of the event.

“I went to the Police station with a notification letter two days before the meeting. They approved it and told me to come back the next day to get a typed confirmation letter since there was no power. That following day they also said that there was no power and I could come back tomorrow. But they gave a greenlight that I would go ahead with the meeting as scheduled,”

said Chimosoro

“On the meeting day, I received a call from the station requesting my house number and advised me to come and collect the letter. While waiting for the letter to be stamped at the station, an officer who was assisting me received a call and after the call he said, ‘I have bad news for you; the meeting has been called off’,”

“Our team on the ground told us that there were people wearing political party regalia. So it was prudent that we cancel the whole event.”

– Chimosoro said

The meeting was supposed to be addressed by an official from Chitungwiza Municipality.

Chitungwiza North legislator Godfrey Sithole and ward 25 councillor Johannes Mwandama were expected to grace the event as leaders of that community.

Earlier in the morning of the meeting day Godfrey Sithole was summoned by the police to clarify what the meeting was about since he was on the attendees list.

Efforts to get a comment from Sithole were fruitless as his phone was not reachable.

A ward 18 ZANU PF youth told ChaminukaNews24.com that they were given instructions by their leaders to disrupt the meeting as they feared that it would be a rally disguised as a community meeting.

Mwandama said politics and community development projects should never be mixed.

“People have a tendency of politicising everything yet community development projects should include everyone regardless of party. It was a chance lost to fix and discuss how best we can improve service delivery and other problems,”

said Mwandama.

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