Crime & Courts

Woman buries new-born baby alive

By H Metro

Mellisa Matafi was guilty of attempted infanticide when she appeared before Harare magistrate Evelyn Mashavakure.

She was remanded out of custody on May 9 as the State awaits a medical report from the hospital.

Facts are that on February 9 at around 5 am, Matafi, who was a maid in Mt Pleasant, dug a pit and buried the baby in the garden. Last Mafuwa, a security guard at the same house, noticed blood stains on the pavement and suspected that Matafi was hiding something. He also saw Matafi coming from the garden holding a hoe.

Mafuwa then reported to their employer, Hildaberta Rwambiwa, to check with Matafi as he had noticed some weird behavior from her.

When Matafi was asked what she was hiding in the garden, she told Rwambiwa that she was experiencing heavy flows and was disposing of blood clots.

Rwambiwa asked Matafi to remove the with her hands and her newborn baby was found alive. Rwambiwa took the baby to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals and then reported the matter to the police.

Grace Mugocheke appeared for the State.

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