Crime & Courts

Tenant Kills Landlord

A NKULUMANE man in Bulawayo is on the run after allegedly killing his landlord following a misunderstanding over rentals.

Admire Mkandla, 34, is reported to have attacked his landlord, Mgcini Sibanda, 44.

In a statement, national police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, appealed for information that may lead to the arrest of Admire.

“Police in Bulawayo are investigating a case of murder in which the victim, aged 44, was found dead in the toilet on Sunday.

“The victim was at his residence in Nkulumane after being attacked by his tenant following a misunderstanding.

“The suspect had not vacated the victim’s house despite him being given the notice to vacate in January 2023,” said Asst Comm Nyathi.


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