Exposing Zanu-PF’s Hand in the CCC Double Candidates Saga. The case of Freddy Masarirevhu and others

HARARE – As the country gears up for the upcoming harmonized election in the coming days , the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) finds itself caught in a web of deceit and political manipulation, with the presence of 20 local government double candidates as well as 20 parliamentary double candidates in most of its strongholds such as Chitungwiza North, Chitungwiza South, Churu, Harare South, Harare West, Hatcliffe, Hatfield, Hunyani, Zengeza East, St Mary’s, Sunningdale, Warren Park, Epworth South, Harare Central and Harare East.
In Bulawayo Province, constituencies with double candidates are Entumbane-Njube, Pelandaba-Tshabalala and Pumula.
Mashonaland East, Marondera Central constituency has double candidates while in Mashonaland West, the affected constituency is Kariba.
According to the opposition party CCC, the double candidate scandal brought to light a conniving collaboration between the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) and the ruling party, Zanu-PF, aimed at undermining the opposition’s chances of an outright two-thirds majority in the upcoming elections.
The opposition CCC has repeatedly said that the double candidates are a creation of Zanu-PF, hence they are seeking the court to nullify their candidatures.
“The fraudulent candidly photocopied our letterhead on bond paper and pasted that as their party symbol at complete variance with what we submitted ourselves,” said Ellen Shiriyedenga
“Those were not our members and even if you go to the database of our citizen’s independent selection panel (CISP) that conducted our candidate selection processes, they were not part of the process, so this is how fraudulent they were,” Shiriyedenga stated.
Central to this controversy is Freddy Masarirevhu a double candidate in St Mary’s, Terrence Khumbula a double candidate in Hunyani, and Misheck Manyere of Marondera Central. Sunningdale – Christmas Goremusandu, Mount Pleasant – Jonathan Machokoto, Harare South – George Magweta; Hasha Trouble, Hatcliffe – Lloyd Sande Hatfield to mention a few.

In an interview with ChaminukaNews24 member of parliament for Chitungwiza South, Hon Micheal Mavhunga who is seeking re-election and a victim of double candidates said that the issue of double candidates has a Zanu-PF hand in collusion with the candidates.
” In my constituency, the said individual Kariramombe Shepherd never participated in our party programs. We did not have a consensus in Chitungwiza South because no one expressed interest in challenging me. However, I was surprised that someone when someone filed papers to represent Chitungwiza South”. said Hon Mavhunga.
Chitungwiza North candidate Hon Godfrey Sithole said, that Mr Chitoro Nyashadzashe Enock was never part of the consensus process.
“This guy called, Chitoro Nyashadzashe Enock was never part of the consensus. He has never been a member of CCC, our members don’t know him. He just popped up. Upon searching we come across his pictures on Facebook wearing Zanu-PF regalia. It’s a clear indication, that Zanu-PF has a hand in the whole fiasco” said Hounarable Sithole

Defiance by the double candidates
Despite CCC’s immediate actions to distance itself from these double candidates, and ordering them to withdraw the double candidates have remained defiant, and they have persistently continued their campaigns.
This steadfastness only deepens the mystery surrounding their motives and objectives, as they remain determined to pursue their political agenda despite the controversy surrounding them.
In St Marys Advocate Freddy Masarirevhu is visible on the ground campaigning despite the party disowning him.
Speaking ChaminukaNews24, the official CCC candidate for St Marys Mr Brighton Mazhindu claimed that Mr Masarirevhu was paid by Zanu-PF through its surrogate organization called FAZ to destabilize the party.
“We have intelligence to the effect that, Fredd was given money by Zanu-PF to split votes in St Marys. He may refute that, but we now know that he is an agent. The people of St Marys know the whole story” said Mazhindu

The same lawyer factor
CCC chief lawyer Advocate Tabani Mpofu writing on social media said that, surprisingly, all the candidates share one lawyer.
“Strikingly all of the double candidates share the same lawyer. This peculiar circumstance raises questions about the true intentions behind their candidacy and the extent of coordination orchestrated behind the scenes”.
The presence of a single legal representative suggests a concerted effort to shield these individuals and potentially manipulate legal proceedings surrounding their candidacy.
Battle for a two-thirds majority in the party
Analysts believe the emergence of double candidates within CCC is the work of the ruling party which want sculptor the opposition and attain atwo-thirdss in parliament hence they had to sponsor anarchy in the opposition.
“The issue of double candidates poses a significant threat to the opposition’s strength, especially their goal of attaining a two-thirds majority in the upcoming elections. However, with the inclusion of these fraudulent candidates, CCC’s unity and strength hang in the balance, jeopardizing their chances in an already challenging political landscape”. Said Mr Zipi
Interestingly, some of the double candidates are alleging that they were legitimately signed by the party.
In an interview with Chaminukanews24, Mr Terrence Khumbula a double candidate in Hunyani constituency said, that upon submitting all the papers to the party office, he was called on the eve of the nomination court that he was the successful candidate.
“Someone from the office called me and congratulated me that l was the official candidate for Hunyani constituency.”
Quizzed on who submitted the papers , Mr Khumbula was evasive.
Reached for comment Fredd Masarirevhu refused to speak to the media.
Possible Impact on CCC’s Opposition Strength
The emergence of double candidates within CCC has far-reaching implications for the opposition party.
Speaking to ChaminukaNews24, political analyst Mr Malcom Zipi said, the opposition is going to be affected by the double candidates.
“The bonafide candidates need to work hard in constituencies that it has two candidates, otherwise it is a reap of the 2018 scenario. In 2018, the opposition lost over 10 mostly in the Matabeleland region to double candidates as well as unresolved internal squabbles”
Below is a List of double candidates announced by Fadzai Mahere CCC spokesperson
- Harare Province
Sunningdale – Christmas Goremusandu
Mount Pleasant – Jonathan Machokoto
St Marys – Freddy Michael Musarirevu
Warren Park – Energy Tanaka Matika
Harare South – George Magweta; Hasha Trouble
Hatcliffe – Lloyd Sande
Hatfield – Admire Adam Griza
Hunyani – Terrence Khumbula
Epworth South – Solomon Baramasimbe; Didymus Bande
Harare Central – Irvine Hatitye Nyaningwe
Harare East – Malvin Razaru
Harare West – Farai Michael Padzarondora
Chitungwiza North – Enock Nyashadzashe Chitoro
Chitungwiza South – Shepard Kariramombe
Churu – Tichaona
Bulawayo Province
Pelandaba – Tshabalala Soneni Moyo
Entumbabe – Njube Dingilizwe Tshuma
Pumula – Albert Mhlanga
Mashonaland East Province
Marondera Central – Misheck Manyere
Mashonaland West

Kariba – Andrew Mutsau