
Sikhala, Sithole fear for their lives at Chikurubi

Hon Job Sikhala & Hon Godfrey Sithole


Incarcerated Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislators Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole fear for their lives after rival party MDC Alliance leader Douglas Mwonzora’s failed attempt to meet them.

This follows claims by the MDC Alliance that Mwonzora vistited Sikhala and Sithole something which was quickly dismissed by the former’s spokesperson Freddy Masarirevu.

This afternoon Masarirevu said two now fear for their security and welfare.

It’s very sad and unfortunate that a senior and learned person as Mwonzora would mislead the public into thinking that he met Sikhala and Sithole in prison. The security officials even made suggestion that Mwonzora be allowed to come directly to their cells and guarantee privacy, a request that was turned down,”

Masarirevu said

“As much as the gesture is appreciated, the legislators wonder why Mwonzora invited members of the press to come with him if the visit was genuine. Secondly, why would he even insist that on visiting them when they had made it clear that they were not comfortable meeting

“The two are also questioning why the officials allowed Mwonzora permission to visit them yet a similar request was denied for President Chamisa (CCC leader Nelson Chamisa). The two are now worried and concerned about their security and welfare.”

Yesterday Sikhala said Mwonzora was trying to use him to resurrect his political career.

“There are people who will try to use my name to resuscitate dead political careers. I am locked up hear, I can’t t see them and I cant speak. Please be my eyes and voice They will spread falsehoods, please defend me and my name. I seek no sympathy from opportunists,” he told Masarirevu.

Sikhala, Sithole and 14 CCC activists from Nyatsime were arrested in June in connection with violence that ensured at slain colleague Morblessing Ali whose body is yet to be buried.

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