
“Respect Human Dignity and Sanctity of Life – ZCC

By Chigwede Waruma

Harare- Following a video of suspected governing Zanu PF party activists assaulting Citizens Coalition for Change supporters in Bhunu Area (Ward 4) in Murehwa North Constituency , the church has implored political parties to shun violence ahead of the impending harmonized general election that is set to be held before August 2023.

In a statement, Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) a grouping of churches called for “peace and tolerance…”

Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) said that violence has no place in modern day society.

The Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) is appalled and expresses deep concen over reports of politically motivated violence, that rocked Bhunu area (Ward 4) in Murehwa North Constituency where a total of 7 people reportedly affiliated to the Opposition Political Party Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) were brutalized”.

read part of the statement.

The Church strongly condemns these acts of violence and bad politics. The Church reminds the nation that we are one, we are a family, we are friends, and we are neighbors before we are members of political parties. Our Christian values coin us to live in harmony, in peace, unity and
love respecting the elderly”

read part of the statement.

“We remind the nation that two people (Bongeni Ncube and Moreblessing Ali) lost their lives due to political violence related to the 2022 by-elections, tens were injured, and others lost properties. We cannot afford to lose more lives, limps, or property in the name of politics”.

read part of the statement.
ZCC statement
ZCC statement
ZCC statement

The Church further implored political parties to censure their members in order for the country to remain peaceful.

Zimbabwe is set to go for the harmonized general election before August 2023.

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