Crime & CourtsNational

Chinese Miner Assault Employee in Hwange


HWANGE – A CHINESE mine employee in Hwange is nursing wounds after he was brutally assaulted by his employers who suspected him of stealing fuel from the mine trucks.

Narrating his ordeal, Anthens Ndlovu who is employed as a driver by the Zimbabwe Zhongxin Coke and Energy (ZZCE) said that he was severely assaulted by his employers on November 09 during a night shift at Hwange Colliery Open Cast.

Ndlovu said the eight (08) Chinese mine managers assaulted him using metal rods, booted feet and threatened to kill.

A medical affidavit signed at St Patrick’s Mission Hospital shows that Ndlovu was assaulted using blunt objects and sustained serious injuries.

“I was assaulted by 8 Chinese managers at ZZCE company on the November 09 night shift at Hwange colliery opencast. I sustained serious injuries on my chest and the neck.

said Ndlovu

“The management suspected me of stealing fuel from fuel tanks mounted on their trucks. But after checking on the levels of fuel consumed during my shift, the fuel was well balanced.

“I have worked as a driver at the company for at least 4 months ,and was never involved in theft issues. The most worrying thing is that they assaulted me before making an investigation. If my employer had suspected me, it was better for him to set a trap than to assault me with metal rods. They also threatened to kill me.

narrated Ndlovu

“I no longer feel safe working at the mine. The environment is no longer conducive for me.“

Meanwhile Solidarity Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe (Somwuz) secretary general Prince Mpala has since written to the senior labour officer in the Ministry of Labour in Hwange demanding action. In a letter, Mpala said the habit of Chinese employers assaulting their employees was getting out of hand with a list of employees having suffered brutality in the hands of their Chinese employers.

“We hereby act on behalf of our member Anthens Ndlovu, who was assaulted by 8 Chinese management from the Zimbabwe Zhongxin Coke And Energy Company. We are appealing for your intervention so that such issues happening around mines are resolved once and for all,”

reads the letter in part.

“Employees should not be treated like slaves. The Labour Act and the Constitution of Zimbabwe are very clear that employees have the right to work under good conditions. Employees should never be victimised whether an offence is committed or not. The S.I 165 of 1992 the mining code is also clear that no one gets beaten or threatened at work places.”

Mpala further said: “The Chinese investors need more education in terms of Labour laws of this country.”

said Mpala

ZZCE company board secretary Priscilla Chitindo confirmed the incident but denied that the driver was assaulted.

“The driver was seen in possession of 350 litres of diesel and was taken to the police. He never mentioned that he was assaulted. As locals we also would want to find out if our partners are really abusing our colleagues. So, we are still trying to find out whether the assault took place or not,”.

Chindito said

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