Crime & Courts


A 13-year-old Waterfalls girl was raped and impregnated by her neighbor, a famous Master of Ceremonies in the area.

The man, only identified as MC Cephas, is from Amsterdam Park in Waterfalls and allegedly raped the girl sometime in December last year.

The case came to light when the girl’s mother discovered that her daughter was pregnant.

The MC disappeared after a report was lodged with the police, on Good Friday.

Harare provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, confirmed the case.

He urged parents and guardians to closely monitor the behavior of their children and report cases on time to bring the culprits to book.

“Police are investigating a rape case involving a minor child who was raped and impregnated by her neighbor,” said Insp Chakanza.

“Sometime in December 2022, at around 3 pm, the complainant went to the accused person’s house looking for her friend so that they could go for lessons.

“The complainant called her friend’s name and the accused told the complainant that her friend was inside and she should come in.

“The accused told the complainant that her friend was in her bedroom sleeping.

“The complainant went to the bedroom and left the accused person sitting outside.”

He added: “Suddenly, the accused entered the bedroom, locked the door and put the keys in his pocket, and raped her once without protection.

“After the act, the accused person told the complainant to leave his house and the complainant went home and did not disclose the case to anyone.

“On March 4, the complainant’s mother noticed that the complainant had missed her menstruation periods. The complainant then told her mother that the accused person raped her,” said Insp Chakanza.

The victim was escorted to Sally Mugabe Central Hospital for a medical examination.


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