
New novel chronicles Zimbos suffering


POLITICAL fiction writer Munyaradzi Savanhu is set to launch his latest offering, Poor Men’s Cartel at Theatre in the Park in Harare this evening.

Savanhu told Chaminuka News24 that the novel prompted by the suffering of the masses is his fourth book after publishing the first Nationalism Gospels in 2021.

“It is a novel that speaks about the convergence of poor people to find a common solution to their problems. Poor people suffering to access gold while leaning on gates of gold because they don’t have the strength to do so,” he said.

“The concept was born after The Price of Sugar, my first novel which I launched on the 30th of July 2022. Then I wrote this book from December to January 2023.”

In the novel published Paivapo Afrika Pvt Ltd poor masses in Zimbeland have nowhere to go.

Pressed on all corners, and witnessing the vulnerable falling mercilessly, one by one, they search for salvation from the four corners of the earth.

“Independence is for the revolutionaries and their cronies who confiscate and personalise all the means of production,” Savanhu said.

“With their ill-gotten wealth they can buy even God himself. Who will then stand for the masses and free them from the severe grip of tyranny and injustice? Is it not the era of the great and all-powerful cartel, The Poor Men’s Cartel?”

He said the power to change the society is the poor’s hands.

“They should not watch from the sidelines as the greedy lions snatch the children’s future away,” he said.

The other book published by Savanhu is The Era of The African Child.

The launch will be graced by Harare mayor Jacob Mafume as Guest Speaker.

Other speaker renowned analyst Rejoice Ngwenya and advocate Gina Mabwe.

Musician Maskiri will entertain the attendees with his performance.

Admission is US$5.

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