
Business letting Government down’ – Charamba

By Staff Reporter

PRESIDENTIAL spokesperson Mr. George Charamba has said that President Mnangagwa is disappointed by some members of the business community.

The presidential spokesperson said, that the conduct of some businesses continues to frustrate Government efforts to stabilize the economy and the current wave of price increases obtaining in the country shows a lack of support for even the ongoing dialogue on arrears clearance and debt resolution.

Mr. George Charamba, President Mnangagwa’s spokesperson, said despite the fact that most international creditors and even the United States of America, were impressed by Zimbabwe’s commitment to the ongoing dialogue on arrears clearance and debt resolution, local businesspeople continued to “stab the process in the back”.

Mr. George Charamba said

“I will give you an example, during the liberation struggle and when we were going for the Lancaster House Conference, it was the time of blazing the guns “kusvika barrel ratsvuka,” to support our leadership that was in London. The real intended beneficiaries of arrears clearance and debt resolution, namely the businesspeople, are in fact busy stabbing the initiative in the back. Ask them (the businesspeople) why?”- said Mr Charamba.

said Mr Charamba.

Said Mr Charamba; “Having said that, what the President feels disappointed about and I think which has come through his weekly column (on Sunday), is the fact that while there is general consensus that until and unless there is resolution to arrears clearance, which by the way has become a new debt, and together with debt resolution; until there is a resolution to that question, the forward march of the Zimbabwean economy will be a lot more difficult.

“As the President is preparing to go to that crucial meeting, we do not seem to read the same sense of support, the urgency, coming from the business community. We see businesses destabilizing the macro-economy, in the process, undermining the very effort towards arrears clearance and debt resolution.

said Mr Charamba.

“When we engage some creditors, you do so on the strength of your capacity to service those arrears and your debts. Now, that is very doubtful if there is chaos in the macroeconomic environment. Which really explains the anger you read through the article of the President.”

said Mr Charamba.

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