‘IT’S NOT LUCK, IT’S STRATEGY’…American gambler hit seven lottery jackpots
l Success shows Clement’s run is possible

CLEMENT Muhle has divided opinion with his serial winning streak in the OK Grand Challenge, including facing allegations that he is using some form of juju to strike gold.
He insists he is a God-fearing man who has just mastered the game with his huge investment, targeting particular products, reaping him the rewards with his success stories in the promotion.
Those who have been accusing Muhle of using some dark arts need to know that he isn’t the only one with the record of writing such Cinderella tales.
Ever heard of a fellow called Richard Lustig?
Well, this is an American guy who has won seven lottery jackpots totalling close to US$1 million.
And, according to him, his good fortune has nothing to do with luck.
Lustig, from Florida in the United States, said he discovered a winning formula that allowed him to strike it rich — again and again.
He said he developed his own system, after painstakingly studying lotto odds, and noting down strategies that seemed to work.
His method paid off as he won a fortune over the years, with the proceeds going towards a luxury home and car and buying a business.
“I hate the word luck. Luck has nothing to do with this,” he told Click Orlando.
“I won my second grand prize, my third grand prize.
“When I won my fourth grand prize, that was when the light finally lit up inside my head.”
Lustig has even written a book, Learn How to Increase Your Chances of Winning the Lottery, and runs a website dedicated to helping others win big.
“I have already made several people millionaires who have followed my method,” Lustig said.
So what is the secret?
According to Lustig, scratchies are especially easy to win.
Firstly, he said players needed to set a very strict budget which they never exceed.
Secondly, punters should only ever buy scratchies at locations where there are still unclaimed prizes, and a minimum of 10 tickets should be bought at any given time — and all 10 must be purchased from the same roll.
“You want to treat this like a job. Anything worth having, you have to put work into it,” Lustig said.
“I’m not guaranteeing you will win a grand prize. What I am saying is that I will teach you how to increase your chances of winning.”
But the serial winner also has a technique for winning regular lottery draws.
He said numbers should never be limited to just meaningful dates such as birthdays or anniversaries, because choosing numbers based on dates restricts your choice to numbers between one and 31.
Other methods include reinvesting winnings into buying more lottery tickets, using hand-picked sequential numbers and using the same numbers constantly.
The American won over US$1 million.
“(Playing the lotto is) like any investment. You have to invest money to get something out of it,” says Lustig.
“Most people buy a US$1 ticket and win US$10 and they put the US$10 in their pocket,” says Lustig.
“Those people are playing the game wrong. Instead, he says, if you win US$10, then you should buy US$11 worth of tickets because ‘if you lose, you only lost US$1.” –H-Metro Reporter/news.com.au/abc.