A CHIVHU family exhumed the body of its father, one month after his burial, claiming his ghost was haunting them.
Shadreck Rwizi was a polygamist and, at the time of his death, he was staying with his second wife in Mhondoro.
He also had children in Chivhu, with his late first wife, and moved to stay with his second wife in Mhondoro after the death of the senior wife.
Rwizi died on June 16 and his body was exhumed on Friday night.
Rwizi is said to have told his cousins, before he died, that he wanted to be buried in Chivhu.
However, his two families had a tug-of-war over where he was supposed to be buried.
His second family claimed he told them that he wanted to be buried in Mhondoro.
But, after a month, he is now set for reburial in Chivhu.
THE place where Shadreck’s body was exhumed
A close relative confirmed the bizarre exhumation.
“When he died, there was disagreement on where he should be buried.
“There was no proper mourning and they ended up burying him in a shallow grave in Mhondoro.
“However, the dogs barked all night long and babies also cried throughout the night.
“He is said to have ‘appeared’ to one relative and instructed that he be re-buried in Chivhu,” said the relative.
The family bickered over his exhumation, arguing that it would be unfair to his second wife, who he was staying with at the time of his death.
“The body was exhumed in the absence of one of his sons, and the second wife, who was against the idea of exhuming his father,” said the relative.
A resident, who witnessed the exhumation said the Rwizi family needs cleansing, as this was their second exhumation.
“On November 16, 2021, the body of their relative who had been given a pauper’s burial was exhumed from Granville Cemetery.
“Garrison Ngoni Rwizi had been buried together with one Maxwell Chimwamurombe in the same coffin.
“Shadrecks’s body is in Harare where a post-mortem will be done.
“His body had not decomposed.”