
Chamisa Shakes Zanu PF

Chamisa Shakes Zanu PF

By Lloyd Takawira

Kadoma – The Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa’s heavily attended political meetings have shaken the ruling Zanu PF.

Chamisa, who has been forcibly holding several meetings around the country and attracting huge crowds has reportedly send shockwaves to the ruling Zanu-PF party top chefs.

Despite Zanu PF’s attempts to block him, the opposition leader has been attracting huge numbers.

Chamisa and his team have so far survived attacks by ruling party supporters, who barricaded roads to deny his convoy access to a local villages.

Speaking to this publication political analyst , Malcom Zipi said, huge numbers attending Mr Chamisa’s rallies are a testament of the mood in the country.

He pointed that the ruling party is shocked considering how they have been trying to influence the election.

“Even the police seems to deliberately ignore to arrest the Zanu ruling party supporters, who attacked Chamisa and his aides”.

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