
Guti body viewing dates set

Guti body viewing dates set

Online Reporter

THE body of the late founder of Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Forward in Faith Ministries (ZAOGA FIF), Archbishop Ezekiel Guti, is set to lie in state at the Ezekiel Guti International Convention Centre in Glen View 7, Harare, from August 2 to 4.

Followers of the late cleric will have an opportunity to visit the Ezekiel Guti International Convention Centre, which houses an 8 000-seater auditorium, to pay their last respects.

In a statement on Friday, ZAOGA secretary-general Apostle Mishael Nyambo said there will be no public gathering or services for the body viewing.

An all-night vigil to celebrate the life of Archbishop Guti – who was declared a national hero earlier this week – has been set for August 4 at the City Sports Centre.

The church has set aside August 6 as a special day of worship at the National Sports Stadium.

Archbishop Guti died on July 5, 2023 in South Africa.

He was 100.

His body was repatriated from South Africa on Saturday. – Zimpapers

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