Crime & Courts

Man rapes mother

Man rapes mother

IN apparently the rarest of rare cases, a 31-year-old man from Esigodini in Umzingwane district, Matabeleland South province, left the entire area reeling in shock after he allegedly raped his 64-year-old mother.

Yes, you read that right, the man — whose identity has been withheld to protect the victim — allegedly pounced on his biological mother as she was sleeping.

Circumstances to the shocking incident are that on July 15, and during the night, the man went to his mother’s bedroom and found the door unlocked.

He then pushed it open and got inside.

While inside the bedroom, the seemingly sexually frustrated man found his mother, who was supposedly drunk, fast asleep and alone on the bed.

He then got on top of the bed, where he allegedly started caressing her, before undressing her and raping her while she was asleep.

Out of shame, the man quickly bolted out of the house for an unknown destination.

When the woman woke up, she was horrified to discover that she was no longer wearing her clothes and had semen on her body.

Suspecting that it was her son who had sexually attacked her, she went to a member of the neighbourhood watch committee and narrated her ordeal to her.

The matter was reported to the police and investigations led to the arrest of her son.

The man has since appeared before Esigodini resident magistrate Jeconia Prince Ncube charged with rape.

He was not asked to plead and was remanded in custody. — B-Metro

Child’s body still ‘missing’

A Chigodora family is in hot soup after it discreetly reburied an empty coffin for its six-year-old child following vandalisation of the grave.

Three years down the line, the whereabouts of the body that was dug up soon after its burial remain unknown.

Although the father’s child, Joe Mureyani, later passed away under mysterious circumstances and his wife relocated to South Africa, members of the Mureyani family were dragged to Headman Chigodora’s court recently to explain why they never bothered to inform the local traditional leadership following the incident.

The issue has since been transferred to acting Chief Zimunya’s court and will be heard today (August 6).

Headman Chigodora’s court heard that three years ago, the Mureyani family did not report to the traditional leadership that its son’s body and coffin had vanished from the grave after burial.

However, the family made a police report.

Headman Chigodora said the coffin was later found, but the body is still missing, three years later.

Asked why they did not report the matter to their village head or Headman Chigodora, the family begged for forgiveness.

Derrick Mureyani narrated: “My aunt was walking past the grave when she discovered that it had been tampered with. The grave had been dug up and the coffin removed. This happened a few days after the child’s burial. We told our elders and we conducted a search, but found nothing.

“However, days later, someone saw a child’s coffin inside the house of a villager who is mentally challenged. The coffin looked like the one that we had buried the child in.

“Police were alerted and the villager was arrested. He was taken to the psychiatric unit, where he was evaluated and was released recently. However, the body is yet to be found up to this day,” said Mureyani.

Inside the coffin that was found in the villager’s house was the shroud that the child’s body was wrapped in, as well as his clothes that had been put in his grave.

Headman Chigodora accused the family of performing rituals at the cemetery without notifying the traditional leadership.

“As far as I am concerned, that child’s spirit is roaming around this area because the body is yet to be found. This is probably why your family is suffering from mysterious illnesses.

“You had no right to visit the cemetery and perform your rituals without notifying the local leadership.

“You reburied the empty coffin on your own without informing anyone. This shows that you were trying to cover up something. Since you do not want to tell this court why you never reported this matter, it is proper for me to transfer the matter to Chief Zimunya’s court,” said Headman Chigodora.

The family then said the traditional healers they consulted over the matter accused the family’s patriarch, Zacharia Mureyani, of being behind the corpse’s disappearance, as well as Joe’s death.

“After the mysterious disappearance of the child’s corpse, Zacharia ordered Joe to deliver some red cloth to Clever’s home. Joe was not aware that this was a ploy to kill Clever.

“However, this backfired on Joe and he died shortly afterwards. This matter was also kept under wraps for three years.

“This means that both Joe and his son’s restless spirit are still roaming around this area,” said Shepherd Mureyani, a family member.

“We were told by a traditional healer that the late family members’ spirits are roaming around Zacharia’s homestead and there will be no peace within this family until he confesses.

“Zacharia confessed on that day, but has not done anything to save the situation,” said Shepherd.

However, Zacharia vehemently denied being responsible for the disappearance of the child’s corpse.

“The truth is that there are a lot of witches and wizards in our family and people should not only accuse me,” he said. — Manica Post

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