
Nonsense!!! Mnangagwa tells Observer Missions demanding free and fair elections; says no one has a right to tell Zimbabweans about democracy

Nonsense!!! Mnangagwa tells Observer Missions demanding free and fair elections; says no one has a right to tell Zimbabweans about democracy

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has lashed out at foreign embassies and Election Observer Missions demanding free and fair elections from his government at Zimbabwe’s upcoming polls.

Mnangagwa, who was speaking at his last provincial rally described as nonsense, encouragement to host credible elections by various foreign organisations, declaring that no one had a right to ask of that from them.

“I want to make this clear; no one is qualified to teach us democracy. We were never given our democracy on a silver platter, we spent 16 solid year of an armed struggle for us to become independent,” said Mnangagwa.

“No one should assume any role to teach us democracy, we fought for it. We acquired it ourselves.

“It is us who have the right to talk about democracy because we fought for it, we have the right to talk about independence because we fought for it, about sovereignty because we fought for it.

“This was our main goal, many of our brothers and sisters perished for it.

“It is us who want free fair elections, we are not doing this to please anybody, and we want it ourselves.

“No one can come and tell us if our elections are free and fair, nonsense!”

Over 50 missions, including the Commonwealth, European Union (EU), usual SADC and African Union (AU) allies were invited to observe Zimbabwe’s August 23 elections whose credibility has been emphasised as a plus if the country is to be officially accepted on various international fora.

Added Mnangagwa: “I say to all our observer missions, please do not come to observe us with your foregone conclusions from your homes or countries.

“Come with an open mind, we are a peaceful people and I am happy that all our political parties contesting in the current elections have committed themselves to a peaceful electoral process.”- NewZW

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