
Loverboy caresses lover’s hubby’s private parts

A cunning Nyanga man who sneaked into a couple’s bedroom and shared the same bed with them mistook his lover’s husband for her and caressed his private parts.

When they appeared before Acting Chief Saunyama’s court last week on Friday, the husband, James Makore, said he only got to know that his wife, Euna Vhere, was enjoying quality time with another man on their matrimonial bed when her lover, Simbarashe Chikata, caressed his private organ by mistake.

Makore accused Vhere and her lover of taking advantage of his hearing impairment to enjoy quality time in his presence on countless occasions.

Makore said when he was caressed by muscular and rough hands, he grabbed Chikata’s shirt before the intruder could escape.

The shirt was brought to court as evidence.

Making her submission before the court, Vhere confirmed that her lover mistook her husband for her and caressed his private parts.

She said Chikata thought that she was home alone, but Makore had come back early that night.

“It is not true that Chikata and I would on many occasions sleep on the same bed with my husband. This only happened on that particular night because Chikata did not know that my husband was home early.

“My husband usually comes home late from his usual beer drinking sprees, and that is why I hooked up with Chikata. When Chikata came that particular night, he removed his clothes, got into bed and caressed my husband. All hell broke loose,” she said.

Vhere said Makore is sexually starving her, adding that for the past 15 years, she has been forcing him to be intimate with her.

“For the past 15 years, I have never enjoyed quality intimacy with my husband. All his relatives know that for us to conceive our three children, I had to force myself on him. In short, I had to rape him, otherwise our children would not be here today.

“He just does not care about intimacy. I told my husband the truth after he caught Chikata in our bed. I told him that he was sexually starving me. When I approached his relatives and told them about this, they compounded the situation by taking him to Harare where I had no access to him.

“When I visited him in Harare where he was staying with his brother’s family, they made us sleep in separate rooms. I could not take it and left Harare the following morning,” said Vhere.

She said she was left with no option, but to date Chikata as he also helped her buy cement and plaster her house.

“I contributed everything towards the construction of our family house. My husband was in Harare and when I called my brother-in-law so that they could send me some money, they turned a deaf ear on me.

“That is how I ended up with Chikata. He also helped me to take care of Makore’s children and build his homestead,” said Vhere.

She, however, begged her husband for forgiveness saying she still loves Makore.

“I know I erred, and I am asking for forgiveness. I love my husband and he knows that. It is not easy for someone in her 30s to stay for 15 years with someone who shuns her in bed,” she said.

However, Makore said it is over between him and Vhere.

He demanded three cattle as compensation from Vhere and Chikata.

“I no longer love her. I only want my children back. She is the one who spurns me in bed, claiming that she is tired. I have since given her a divorce token,” he said.

Acting Chief Saunyama, however, ordered Vhere to compensate her husband with one beast or six goats.

“If you wanted another man, you should have divorced Makore first. What you did is bad and you should be punished,” said Acting Chief Saunyama.

He also reprimanded Makore’s relatives for not assisting the couple to rekindle their romance when Vhere asked for their intervention.

Manica Post

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