Granny (83) brutally murdered

Post Correspondent
A 28-YEAR-OLD Marange man last week on Saturday allegedly fatally struck his grandmother with logs as he accused her of practising witchcraft.
Brighton Zingani went berserk and forced the now late Mrs Jessica Zingani (83) to burn some cloths which he claimed were her witchcraft paraphernalia.
Brighton claimed that Mrs Zingani was a spirit medium before committing the heinous act.
Mrs Zingani died after sustaining serious injuries all over the body.
Manicaland provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Norbert Muzondo confirmed the incident which happened in Chisharu Village in Chief Marange’s area.
He said Brighton visited her aunt, Mrs Zingani, at her homestead and confronted her, accusing her of practicing witchcraft.
He allegedly force-marched Mrs Zingani into her house where he demanded that she burns her paraphernalia.
Inspector Muzondo said Brighton went outside and uprooted some logs which he used to assault Mrs Zingani several times all over the body.
“Mrs Zingani screamed for help before neighbours rushed to the homestead. A relative, Ms Erina Zingani hired a car from a nearby homestead and rushed her to Marange Clinic where she was pronounced dead upon arrival. Ms Zingani made a police report and police attended the scene. They arrested Brighton,” said Inspector Muzondo.
In an unrelated incident, a 29-year-old man was last week on Saturday found lying in a pool of blood in a suspected case of murder.
Tinashe Fungirai of Plot 27, Raison Farm was last seen at a local shopping centre drinking beer and playing snooker with his friends.
Mr Tinashe Motsi, who was on his way to Rainson Farm, saw Fungirai’s body lying along a railway line.
He alerted other villagers as well as Fungirai’s father, Mr Moses Fungirai, who positively identified his son’s body.
Police attended the scene and observed that Fungirai had a deep cut on the back of the head as well as bruises on the left leg and both hands.
Fungirai’s body was taken to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital for a post-mortem