Zimdancehall chanter in hot soup for singing profanities at school event

By Staff Reporter
Zimdancehall chanter Ndunge Yut has issued a public apology after torching a storm, singing profanities to students at a school event last week.
This follows a fierce uproar on social media over the artist’s performance.
In a video Ndunge revealed that fellow musician Seh Calaz reprimanded and encouraged him to own up to his mistakes and apologize.
“I would like to offer a heartfelt apology for my actions. I have since realised that the song I performed was inappropriate and I offended a lot of people.
“I would like to apologize to the school children that were there. Some of the things that we do as musicians will be out of trying to entertain and some we do unknowingly,” said Ndunge Yut.
He added: “As a youth in the process of growing up, we are bound to make mistakes and I would like to apologize for what I did. It is a learning curve and I will never repeat it again.”
The young artist extended gratitude to Yala Nation boss for cultivating positive behavior in him.
“I would like to extend my gratitude to my elder, Seh Calaz, he called me and told me the repercussions of my actions.”
Last week, Ndunge Yut born Givemore Bonde performed at a school event singing obscenities which had the young crowd jumping up and down.
Social media was awash with many users condemning the act given the age of his audience.