
Road Runner Chicken Kills Woman (24)

Road Runner Chicken Kills Woman (24)

A young woman in Goromonzi, Zimbabwe, lost her life after eating a chunk of meat from a road runner chicken, which shocked the neighbourhood

The chicken had earlier consumed poison from a trap meant to kill rodents, which led to its own death.

The event has led the authorities to issue a strong caution to the public, asking people to refrain from eating poultry or domestic animal corpses that have died in unexplained circumstances.

According to NewZimbabwe, Nyasha Muzanenhamo, a 24-year-old resident of Farm 313 in Chitomborwizi, Zvimba, unwittingly fell victim to the lethal effects of the contaminated meat. Mashonaland West provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Margaret Chitove, confirmed the heartbreaking incident and provided details surrounding the unfortunate events.

According to Inspector Chitove, Muzanenhamo had placed maize fumigation pills in a kitchen hut with the intention of eradicating rats.

The following day, two chickens entered the room and unknowingly consumed the poisonous pills, leading to their untimely demise. Later that day, Muzanenhamo roasted the chickens and consumed a piece.

Tragically, her health began deteriorating rapidly, and she complained of severe stomach pains. Despite efforts to seek medical attention, she tragically passed away on the way to Gamanya Clinic in Chitomborwizi.

Inspector Chitove reinforced the importance of avoiding the consumption of animals that have died under mysterious circumstances, emphasizing the potential hazards involved. “It is not advisable to consume meat of animals that would have died mysteriously as this could be hazardous, or worse still, deadly,” warned Inspector Chitove. Furthermore, she urged communities not to slaughter sickly animals for food, as these also pose significant health risks.

The shocking incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers lurking within seemingly innocent meals. The police’s warning is a call to vigilance and emphasizes the need to prioritize food safety. Let us all remain cautious and ensure that the sources of our meals are free from any suspicious circumstances or potential harm.

In the wake of this tragedy, the community of Goromonzi mourns the loss of Nyasha Muzanenhamo, a vibrant young woman whose life was cut short by an unfortunate twist of fate. May her passing serve as a stark reminder to us all about the importance of being mindful of the food we consume and the potential risks it may carry

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