Mnangagwa gives business seven days ultimatum

Mnangagwa gives business seven days ultimatum
In a move that is likely to trigger shortage of goods in the country, President Mnangagea has given a seven-day ultimatum to businesses hoarding goods and engaging in malpractices to sabotage the economy to shape up or risk stiff sanctions from the Government.
He sent the warning as he addressed his supporters at a ZANU PF Mashonaland West province Presidential Star Rally in Magunje yesterday.
President Mnangagwa said he will name and shame the captains of industry who are working to undermine Government.
“There are some businesses that are fighting us, especially soon after we proclaimed dates for elections. Prices started going up, and our Zimbabwe dollar was under attack, with the rate going up,” he said.
“This was done by those who wanted the people to turn against Government. We sought to find out who these people are.
“Last time, I mentioned some of them. I also have a list of others. But I am going to name them next week in Zaka.
“Today, I want to warn them by saying that I sent my people to them about two days ago, to tell them that what they are doing is not right.
“So, you have seven days to make corrections. On the seventh day, I am going to name and shame those that do not shape up. Those who are hoarding and those who are manipulating,” said President Mnangagwa.
The President said some businesses have already been sanctioned over these shenanigans, while the Government is also continuing to engage them.
“We strongly warned some of them that we would name and shame them.
“They then begged us not to expose them by saying that our ZANU PF people would not buy from them.
“They chose to pay some fines and agreed to change their ways. On Tuesday, we will hear more about some of these businesses,” he said.
“So, those who are hoarding and manipulating the economy, I say to you, this is Zimbabwe and it is for Zimbabweans.
“Either you are with us or you are not with us. If you are with us, we will support you and give you the leeway to do business. But if you are not with us, business rako richaunyana (your business will crumble).”